Wednesday 12 September 2012


May have just went online shopping....more information to follow when everything arrives!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Top 5 Favourite Blogs

Long time to see!

With all good intentions I haven't been very good at all of this blogging malarkey but i have decided to give it another go. (Third times a charm and all of that chat!)

So today I decided to tell you about my 5 favourite bloggers who gave me the inspiration to try it out myself.

Number 1 - Sprinkle of Glitter -

This is no doubt me favourite out of them all! The girl who writes this blog comes across as one of the nicest people in the world. She updates alot and also has 2 your tube channels. Linked below....perfect person to watch if you are feeling a little down! She covers fashion, beauty and general life. Please go and check it out.

Number 2 - Zoella

Another great blog - very beauty organised but has also inspired a few clothing purchases of mines too!
Again she also has a you tube channel. This girl doesn't post as much as Sprinkle of Glitter but enough to keep you interested. 

Number 3 - By Celina

I have only just recently discovered this blog. It is more on the luxury side of things and again covers beauty, fashion and life. A lot of more expensive fashion suggestions but also includes budget ideas....creates one of those "I want that girls life" moments. she also has an adorable new puppy which features in the newer posts!

Number 4 - Temporary: Secretary

Looove this girls style. Again this is a fashion/beauty blog....every outfit on there I wouldn't think twice about buying!

Number 5 - Text from the Dog

Last but not least...this has nothing to do with beauty or fashion. This always makes me laugh....I sit on the couch and read it out to my boyfriend who is not at all interested and looks at me like I'm mad each time I do it. Oh well I like it - maybe you will too!
Please let me know what you think of these blogs - maybe you are already a fan?! let me know why.
If you would like to read any of my future ramblings please subscribe! =)

Monday 18 June 2012

To me...from meee!

So I have been working hard the last couple of months and thought that I deserved a treat.

You will soon realise that I am not good at decisions. I had a week off on holiday and decided to rope my best friend into the job of helping me decide what to by...well not quite! I had decided I wanted a watch and had an idea of brand but couldn't decide on a colour.

So off we trotted to Glasgow which began with some terrible parking by my best bud! 

We went straight to Argyle Arcade the place to jewellery shop! Finally I decided on rose gold and I absolutely love it!!!!

Micheal Kors - Rose Gold Watch from Barclays Diamonds
the staff were lovely and very patient waiting for me to make a decision :)

Noodle Cup!

It has been awhile since I did a post so I think it is time to get my self back on track as I have a list as long as my arm of things I want to talk about...or should I say type about!!!

So where to begin! I think with the amazing find I stumbled upon when picking up a few things in Adsa. I was grabbing a few bits and bobs for my friends BBQ...he was more of a mad dash as I was running late as usual!

I went on holiday last year to Dubai and Thailand and fell in love with the Thai equivalent to pop noodles...which I named "noooodle cups"

I loved them soo much and would have brought some home if I could have fitted anything else in my suitcase following a crazy shopping spree in Bangkok! they were a great snack after a long day by the pool. :) perfect for those who like all things spicy. personally I don't do spicy but I loved the challenge!!

So next time you are in the supermarket ans spot these bad boys - give them a whirl!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

You gotta love Sundays!

Milo man waiting to have his picture taken :)


Great day for relaxing and enjoying a great Sunday Roast! 

This Sunday was a little chilly but the sun was out so me and my boyfriend decided to take little Milo to the park...I was of course accompanied by my camera! <3

A great find...

Don't you just love it when someone tells you about something that can totally change your world!!!

Well it just happened to me!! =) I was complaining in work about the key fob for my car being broken and it's soo old that I can't get a replacement. Some suggested sugru!!

repair broken key fobsrepair their cablesinvent new things, like a bouncy kids-cam

Take a look!

Chocolate Making Workshop!

This weekend was a busy one. =) On Saturday I drove down to Peebles with a friend from work to try out a new chocolate workshop we received an invite too. It was an early start but worth the effort.

We headed down there around 8.30am an the drive was lovely...we arrived there around 10am - just in time for it starting.

It all started with am introduction to how chocolate is made before we then learnt about the different kinds available...along with a taste test of course! We then learned about "tempering chocolate" for making your own chocolates at home! I will share recipes later but my top tip I learned was that chocolate should always be melted in a plastic bowl in the microwave!

Dipping Chocolates
Truffle time!

Check out the website for pastry and chocolate making classes....

My Chocolates

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Working from home...

Had a great day at work today =) or should I say home!

Got the chance to work at home today and it was such a nice feeling - getting on with things without having top seer the phone.

Feeling on top of things :) and to top it of I got to burn my favourite candle, have milo (the dog) keep my toes warm and had a great view...

Monday 27 February 2012

Skydiving adventure...

Yesterday I spent the day in the middle of nowhere waiting to see my friend jump out a plane for charity.

In preparation for the trip I took my car off to the garage as it had a lovely clunking sound. After £80 to have repairs done, an hour waiting in a cold garage and list of repairs that will need done before my MOT I was ready to hit the road.

When we got there the weather wasn't great so we had to wait...and wait....and wait. Finally they sent a few professional skydivers up to check if it would be possible.

As you can see from the lack of blue was a no go!!

My friend was disappointed but will be going back in 2 weeks to give it another go! I'm so proud of her as I could never to anything this brave. We got on the road home with the near disaster of the car not starting! He came round eventually.

I have another adventure next weekend so needless to say my car will be going back to the garage this week. Next weekend's trip will be a yummy topic to say the least...looking forward to sharing with pictures with you!

Saturday 25 February 2012

A cute little reminder about life...

I seen this on a card I recently bought a friend...a nice thought for a Saturday afternoon!

Friday 24 February 2012

Well Hello World...I'm Sarah! Nice to meet you =)

I thought the best way to start my first blog was to explain It's name and a bit about what I'll be writing about!
- "Lux" definition according to a online dictionary
A lux meter for measuring illuminances in work places. The lux (symbol: lx) is the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area. It is used in photometry as a measure of the intensity, as perceived by the human eye, of light that hits or passes through a surface. It is analogous to the radiometric unit watts per square metre, but with the power at each wavelength weighted according to the luminosity function, a standardized model of human visual brightness perception. In English, "lux" is used in both singular and plural.[1]
- Meaning to me...light! Think about lying in bed on the first day of summer and you sense the light sneak through a the crack in the curtains. You nip out of bed and open the curtains wide and nip straight back in to your cosy spot. Bliss! I love light it gives me the warm fuzzy feeling from a chick flick when the girl gets her guy! Cheeeeese! I know ;)
Now that I've covered the first half... We have "loves." This is the content of what I will cover...things I love.
I don't promise this blog will always have perfect grammer, spelling, witty content or even that it will be straight to the point! I do however hope that you will like the things I plan to write about and That I will give you some inspiration! To me that is what blogs are about (or at least the ones I choose to read are).
Please Enjoy!